Source code for timeutils.timespan

# Author: Michal Ciesielczyk
# Licence: MIT

[docs]class TimeSpan: def __init__(self, t): self._time = t @property def days(self): return int(self._time // 86400) @property def hours(self): return int(self._time // 3600) % 24 @property def total_hours(self): return int(self._time // 3600) @property def minutes(self): return int(self._time // 60) % 60 @property def total_minutes(self): return int(self._time // 60) @property def seconds(self): return int(self._time) % 60 @property def total_seconds(self): return int(self._time) @property def milliseconds(self): return int(self._time * 1000) % 1000 @property def total_milliseconds(self): return int(self._time * 1000)
[docs] def human_str(self, trim_zeros=True): """Returns a human-readable :py:class:`~.timespan.TimeSpan` object, represented as time units such as days, hours, minutes, and seconds. """ if self._time < 1: return "{:d} ms".format(self.milliseconds) units = [("days", 86400), ("hours", 3600), ("mins", 60), ("secs", 1)] human = [] seconds_left = self._time for name, secs in units: if trim_zeros and self._time < secs: continue value = int(seconds_left // secs) seconds_left %= secs if value == 1: name = name.rstrip('s') human.append("{:d} {:s}".format(value, name)) return ', '.join(human)
def __str__(self): if self.days == 0: return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}".format( self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds, self.milliseconds) return "{}d {:2d}h {:2d}m".format(self.days, self.hours, self.minutes)