Source code for timeutils.timespan

# Author: Michal Ciesielczyk
# Licence: MIT
import datetime

[docs]class TimeSpan(datetime.timedelta): """Represents a time span. All arguments are optional and default to 0. Arguments may be integers or floats, and may be positive or negative. As in the base :py:class:`python:datetime.timedelta` class, only days, seconds and microseconds are stored internally. Arguments are converted to those units: - A millisecond is converted to 1000 microseconds. - A minute is converted to 60 seconds. - An hour is converted to 3600 seconds. and days, seconds and microseconds are then normalized so that the representation is unique. If any argument is a float and there are fractional microseconds, the fractional microseconds left over from all arguments are combined and their sum is rounded to the nearest microsecond using round-half-to-even tiebreaker. :param float,optional seconds: number of seconds in the time span. :param float,optional microseconds: number of microseconds in the time span. :param float,optional milliseconds: number of milliseconds in the time span. :param float,optional minutes: number of minutes in the time span. :param float,optional hours: number of hours in the time span. :param float,optional days: number of days in the time span. """ def __new__(cls, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, days=0): return datetime.timedelta.__new__(cls, days=days, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds, milliseconds=milliseconds, minutes=minutes, hours=hours)
[docs] def total_hours(self): """Total hours in the duration.""" return (self.days * 24 + self.seconds / 3600 + self.microseconds / 3600000000)
[docs] def total_minutes(self): """Total minutes in the duration.""" return (self.days * 1440 + self.seconds / 60 + self.microseconds / 60000000)
[docs] def total_milliseconds(self): """Total milliseconds in the duration.""" return (self.days * 86400000 + self.seconds * 1000 + self.microseconds / 1000)
[docs] def human_str(self, trim_zeros=True, significant_digits=None): """Returns a human-readable string representation of the :py:class:`~.timespan.TimeSpan` object, using time units such as days, hours, minutes, and seconds. :param bool,optional trim_zeros: indicates whether the leading zeros in the result should be skipped :param int,optional significant_digits: if set, returns a string representation of a single number with an appropriate time unit and using the specified number of significant figures :return: human-readable time span :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.3.1 The *significant_digits* parameter. """ if significant_digits is not None: hstr = "{val:.{p}f} {unit}" if self.days > 0: return hstr.format(val=self.total_hours() / 24, p=significant_digits, unit="days") elif self.total_hours() > 1: return hstr.format(val=self.total_hours(), p=significant_digits, unit="hours") elif self.total_minutes() > 1: return hstr.format(val=self.total_minutes(), p=significant_digits, unit="minutes") elif self.total_seconds() > 1: return hstr.format(val=self.total_seconds(), p=significant_digits, unit="seconds") return hstr.format(val=self.total_milliseconds(), p=significant_digits, unit="milliseconds") if self.total_seconds() < 1: return "{:d} ms".format(self.microseconds // 1000) human = [] if self.days > 0 or not trim_zeros: name = "day" if self.days == 1 else "days" human.append("{:d} {:s}".format(self.days, name)) units = [("hours", 3600), ("mins", 60), ("secs", 1)] seconds_left = self.seconds for name, secs in units: if trim_zeros and self.seconds < secs: continue value = seconds_left // secs seconds_left %= secs if value == 1: name = name.rstrip('s') human.append("{:d} {:s}".format(value, name)) return ', '.join(human)